InstaSTOREFRONT app developed for Samsung TV — InstaDIGITAL

InstaDIGITAL is proud to announce the development of their Samsung TV instaSTOREFRONT application following the launch of the VOD365 Planet Knowledge UHD application, for exclusive use on Samsung Smart TVs. 

The instaSTOREFRONT Samsung TV application provides the consumer with the opportunity to discover and watch any content stored in the instaLIBRARY CMS, in both HD and UHD (on compatible televisions) and incorporates industry standard support for advertising. 

The Planet Knowledge UHD application is one of the first TV applications for Samsung TVs that supports UHD content and also the Samsung Smart Hub Preview bar which alerts users to new content on a particular app without having to open the application up.

“Being one of the first applications on Samsung TV to support UHD has not been without its challenges but we are proud that the application is now launched and enjoyed by customers globally” said Ed Pippin, CEO of instaDIGITAL.  “The Samsung TV application is another great additional to our growing portfolio of instaSTOREFRONT applications, which enable our clients to quickly and effortlessly expand from one platform to another, picking up new customers and generating new revenue as they go”

This is the latest additional to the ever expanding instaSTOREFRONT suite of applications which now covers iOS, Android, all Sony Android TVs, Amazon Firestick, PC and Mac Web and Chromecast.

Utilising content already stored in the instaLIBRARY CMS system the Samsung TV instaSTOREFRONT application connects seamlessly to provide an end to end solution for consumers and clients alike.

Android TV Planet Knowledge.png
